Prepositions : In, On, and At

Posted Rabu, 16 Februari 2011 by NIKI NUR'AFNITA

We are often confused with how to put down : On,,In,,and At… :T
The prepositions in, on, and at can be used to indicate time and place. Notice how they are used in the following situations:

Year, Month,
In 1999, In December
Country, State, City
In Japan, In Utah, InTaipei
Day, Date
On Saturday, On May 1
On Main Street, On 1st Ave.
At 8:00, At 7:30
At 815 East Main Street

In many languages, there is only one preposition for the above situations. In English there are three. Just remember that in usually indicates the "largest" time or place, and at usually indicates the "smallest" time or place.
Example :
1. Jord : “Where's your house?”
Clary : “In Taipei, Taiwan.”
Jord : “Really? What part of Taipei?”
Clary : “It's on Chung Shan North Road.”
Jord : “I know that area. Where exactly is it?”
Clary : “It's at 105 Chung Shan North Road, next to the bookstore.”

2. Catty : “When is the wedding?”
Elina : “It's in June.’’
Catty : “What day?”
Elina : “It's on Saturday, the 25th.’’
Catty : “What time?’’
Elina : “It starts at 6:00.’’

Prepositions With Articles And Locations
When talking about locations, use at to indicate the general vicinity or area, and in to
indicate inside the building, enclosed area, etc.
Example sentences :
-          I met my wife at the theater while watching a movie.
-          I spilled my drink in the theater on the floor of the building.
-          She works at the library on Wednesdays.
-          She found a rare coin in the library building.
-          Dr. Jones works at the hospital every day.

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